Unit 6: Craft of Writing Fiction
Writers will learn to make choices as authors (just as they study the choices other authors make), and to use figurative language and other narrative techniques to help write about important themes and messages. Students will learn to play with word choice, symbolism, metaphor, perspective, just as they see published authors doing. Our writers will be surprised how well they can write stories that teach others.
Writers will answer : How can I use word choice, symbolism, metaphor, perspective, and other narrative techniques to bring forth important themes and messages in fictional stories?
Writers will answer : How can I use word choice, symbolism, metaphor, perspective, and other narrative techniques to bring forth important themes and messages in fictional stories?
- How can I be purposeful in my use of figurative language and writing craft, using both to bring forth meaning in my fictional stories?
- How can I use perspective, comparisons, setting descriptions and other kinds of craft to show my
reader what my story is really about? - How can I draft and revise a new story, this time relying on mentor texts and reading-writing connections to raise the level of my work?